A Life Of Contradictions
I’ve sort of made a commitment to myself to keep writing as often as I can. I don’t know why. Somewhere I believe there are thoughts in my head that are never going to be shared with the world, or never come out as they were intended to unless I write them down. Why, I feel that if my thoughts aren’t shared with the world it would be a great loss? I have no clue. By no means do I intend to write profound things about life that may help people live theirs better. I have enough trouble getting my own life in order without trying to help others. But I want to keep my life simple by making simple choices about things and sticking to those choices. And yet life doesn’t allow us to keep it that simple. Actually we do not allow ourselves to keep it that simple. Hmm….I think I’ve gotten myself into a bit of a contradictory stand. Most people would like to think that they’d be happy if their lives were not so complicated or if they could just lead a simple, stress free and problem free life. An...