Seven Years Seven Stories

1. I was in an elevator going down on my way to work. The elevator stopped, the door opened and an elderly Chinese lady walked in. We looked at each other and while she said "Good Morning", I said "Jo sun" at the same time. Were we both guilty of subconsciously stereotyping? ------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. "We will keep you here for observation for a couple of days", said the doctor at the emergency room. The ambulance had brought me there for the second time in 12 hours. And so I was checked into the General Medicine ward at Princess Margaret Hospital. It was a open ward with about 10 to 12 beds. I probably stood out for two reasons. Firstly, for being the only non-Chinese person in the ward. Secondly, for being the only one under 80 years old. The ward was shared with the Geriatrics department. Scheduled activities broke the monotony of doing nothing. Meal times, medication times, visiting hours...