Hitting 30

I hit 30 a couple of weeks ago. I figure I'm a pretty cliched kind of guy so it was time to reflect on my life and see where I am with respect to where I wanted to be. Obviously turned out that i was no where close. Then feeling bad about it and sticking with the "cliche" theme, it was time to go out and do something stupid. So got me a leather jacket, a new pair of sunglasses and a brand new ferrari. Ok..so it was the Hotwheels kind..but hey..still blew my savings on it.It was worth it! But seriously I'm not sure how I feel about where my life is right now. I think I'm doing all right. The only expected thing that I don't have right now is being in a relationship. When I was younger, I really didn't think I'd be single at 30 . But now that I am, I don't know what to make of it. Should I be worried? As people get older, it seems harder to find someone. Add fatter, balder and the fact that I waddle around like a penguin cos i get aches in my joints...